
Dallas Riffle Media

4 Reasons We Love Twitter Polls

If you have logged into your Twitter account since October 30th, you may have noticed Twitter Polls. This new feature allows all users to tweet a brief two-answer polls to their followers. While this feature is not compatible with popular social media scheduling applications such as Hootsuite, everyone here at Dallas Riffle Media believe that this new feature has potential to make Twitter an even more useful tool for companies to engage with their customers. Here are four reasons why we think Twitter Polls is great for companies with an online marketing focus.

1. They Stand Out

While Twitter has continued to be an increasingly popular social media platform, the majority of tweets have trouble standing out due to their text-only nature. While customers are quickly scrolling through their seemingly endless newsfeed, its very easy for your company’s tweets to get lost in the clutter. Twitter eventually made some strides in helping users add images to their tweets which tend to stand out a lot more to the human eye. We feel like Twitter Polls are another eye-catching new feature that will help prevent your followers from scrolling past your posts.

2. They Are Easy To Engage With

Let’s be frank: some people are just lazy. Posting a comment takes some effort. You need to think about what you want to say, put it into words, check your spelling and grammar. Some people unfortunately don’t care enough about your post to put fourth the effort. But very similar to retweeting or favoriting a post, all you need to do to interact with a poll is to click.

3. People Love Sharing Their Opinion

Not only is interacting with a poll easy but it gives your followers an outlet to share their opinion. As egotistical as it is, humans LOVE to share their personal opinions. The joy of expressing one’s self comes in full force when someone is asked how they feel and they are given an outlet to respond. Posting regular polls is a great way to get people thinking about your brand and keep them coming back to your page.

4. It’s Great For Customer Feedback

Marketing Research may be a dirty word to some but it’s a very useful tool to tailor future brand messaging. But why send out long satisfaction surveys when you can simply tweet short questions to your customers that they will be more likely to respond to?

These are only a few of the many reasons why Twitter Polls has so much potential for business. Do you need help setting up a social media strategy for your company? Dallas Riffle Media services not only companies in the Greater Cleveland area but all across the country. We offer free estimates so do not hesitate to give us a call. You can reach one of our specialists by calling us at (216) 245-0835 or by email.

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