
Dallas Riffle Media

SaaS That Sucks – How Tech Companies Are Missing The Boat

It’s not often that we use this blog to rant. However, for this topic we’ll make an exception. Here at DRM, few things grind our gears more than poorly marketed software companies. SaaS or “Software as a Service” has become an increasingly popular business model for niche tech companies looking to turn software into a subscription based service. [Here’s looking at you, Adobe!] Whether you are looking for a CRM system, an eCommerce platform or even just a social management platform, a lot of research needs to be done so you can find the best software suited to your specific needs. The most logical place to start researching similar software are their respective websites. Unfortunately, we have noticed far too many SaaS companies completely miss the boat when it comes to website content.

Let me paint a scenario for you: You are looking for a piece of software with a specific function. You have a list of features in mind and would like to compare similar software on the market. Upon doing a Google search for the type of software you are looking for, you find several candidates. After visiting the website of one of the companies you found during your search, you discover that the available information on the service is lacking. When comparing several different software companies, are you going to go out of your way to find out information about their services when there are so many alternatives that do provide your desired information? Probably not. Here are some of the biggest mistakes that we have noticed made by SaaS companies:

  • No Video Content– The easiest way to give customers an overview of what your software does is to provide video content. While a simple brand video is sometimes sufficient, users usually want to see functionality first hand. Be sure to provide demo videos to make customers more confident about what they are buying.
  • Vague Functionality Description – Certain features can be key in the decision-making process for some customers. Not providing a comprehensive list of ALL available features can turn off prospects. Don’t be afraid to get too technical either. A good percentage of your prospects are going to be tech savvy and making this information hard to obtain can cause you to lose a sale.
  • Gated Content – In many cases, gated content can be a wonderful tool for obtaining leads. Unfortunately, in the case of many SaaS companies, they lock basic information about their software behind the ever intimidating “Contact Us” button. While having the ability for prospects to schedule a demo or receive complementary content about your software is good to have in place, it is a mistake to have this as the primary way of learning your software’s functionality. If you’re the second or third most appealing software of their list, they are more likely to pass of your services instead of scheduling a demo on the off chance that your software may surpass their #1 choice.
  • No Live Chat Feature – We have previously discussed how Live Chat is a great feature for small businesses to connect with prospects. If someone has a quick question about your services, chances are they want a quick answer. Where email can get customers a response in hours or even days, Live Chat can get them an answer in seconds. By the time your support team has already answered a customer’s question, they could have already bought into another service. Don’t let this happen!
  • Unclear Pricing – Many services provided by SaaS companies can be pricey. Providing pricing information that is clear and concise is vital if you want your buyers to be confident in what they are purchasing. Be very specific about what each pricing tier includes. Also, make sure that your pricing is competitive compared to other similar services. Even if your service is priced higher, make sure that the value is there for your customer. This is another reason why website content is so important.

When marketing a software service, you don’t necessarily need to reinvent the wheel. Just make sure that your brand is on point and your online content is there. When selling software as a service, communication is key if you want to keep growing your business. If you need help putting together a web strategy for your company, give the online marketing specialists at Dallas Riffle Media a call. We are a full-service digital marketing agency based out of Cleveland. DRM can be your one-stop marketing service provider so don’t hesitate to contact us. For a free consultation, give us a call at (216) 245-0835 or send us a quick email.

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