Optimizing Website Metadata for SEO
If you’re new to Search Engine Optimization (or SEO), the sheer amount of moving parts that go into proper SEO implementation for your website can be enough to make your head spi
How Arby’s is Winning Social Media
If you happen to be one of the roughly 2.7 million people following Arby’s on Facebook, you may have recently noticed a change in their posts. While fast food restaurants typical
Why Video is Important (and Vital)
It’s no secret that streaming video has seen rapid growth over the past decade. With the debut of Youtube in 2005, digital video suddenly became something that anybody with a
Google’s ‘Possum’ Update and How it Will Shake Up Local SEO
Sometimes trying to master Google can feel like you’re trying to gain favor with an all powerful deity. With Google constantly changing the rules of SEO, getting your busines
Why you Should Be Using Facebook Ads
Many marketers thought that Facebook would be the ‘next big thing’ many years ago. While social media has definitely had its impact on the way that companies communicate with t
Why Your Company Should Offer Live Chat Support
If you have been to our website recently, you may have noticed the “Have a question?” box at the bottom of your screen. If you click on this box, you will be directly connected
DRM Named One of Top 20 Marketing Agencies in Cleveland by Expertise
Dallas Riffle Media has always made quality of service our top priority. Although our company is relatively new, we strive to offer world class services. Expertise is a company who
Which PPC Platform Should You Use?
When a company is having difficulty getting traffic to their website, PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a popular option. There are many different platforms out there for advertising which al
How Are People Finding Your Website?
Web traffic is a funny thing. When creating a website, it is hard to imagine how many different ways there are for people to find it. Whether its organic search, social media, paid
How the @#$% do I contact Facebook support?
With so many companies using social media to bolster their online presence, Facebook has become an increasingly popular advertising tool. Regardless of your level of experience wit